We interviewed three trailblazing women to discover their daily rituals, advice, and inspiration.
Luisana Mendoza de Roccia, Co-Founder and President of Maisonette, Mother of four
As a woman in business, what is the biggest strength you think women have in a working environment?
Being a woman is a superpower. Lean into it. It is not about suppressing your innate talents, skills, or way of being to fit into a mold of what you think a “successful” woman in the workplace looks like and acts like. That usually takes the form of conventionality which is the surest way to not thrive in the workplace. There is a reason why you are in that position and not someone else, so bring your whole self and you will find that your unique point of view and skill set will be your biggest strength.
What is one lesson you learned growing up or throughout your career that you wish to share with other women?
Get rid of the fear! Or walk straight into it because realistically the fear rarely goes away as you continue to grow and face challenges. Being brave in little ways is a great way to build that muscle, so start with little wins in your personal life. It will help you for those big moments where you really need to step up.
What is one ritual that you include in your daily life that you feel is necessary or helpful for your well-being or work?
Meditation or quiet time alone. I can feel a significant change when I don’t manage to fit in time to meditate or spend quiet time alone on a daily basis. It is how I get re-energized, but it also feels like a luxury with 4 kids at home, a husband, a dog and full time job! It is the gift I give myself everyday.
Who is a woman you admire and why?
Caterina Micolano, Founder of Ethicarei, President of Cooperativa Alice
As a woman in business, what is the biggest strength you think women have in a working environment?
I believe it is the practical sense we have, the need to always give and seek concreteness in what is being said... but without ever giving up the dream, the sense of empathy, the need to look into each other’s eyes.
What is one lesson you learned growing up or throughout your career that you wish to share with other women?
In every tear, in every patch, in every incorrect seam needing to be re-done, you must have eyes capable of seeing space for creativity and beauty. That means turning weaknesses into a strong points: everything finds a new creative harmony. No need to pretend, and there is no reason to feel ashamed.
What is one ritual that you include in your daily life that you feel is necessary or helpful for your well-being or work?
I’m a marathon runner. Running, for me, is the space in which to find the confirmation that to reach every goal you need muscle power, brainpower, heart but also the need to listen and get to know each other. That’s when we give the best to ourselves, and it’s a beautiful feeling.
Who is a woman you admire and why?
My icon has always been Luisa Balsamo: a woman from Palermo able to run in self-sufficiency for days in every extreme environment: desert, ice, and terrain. Luisa is proof that we are the ones who make an impossible goal possible, even in contexts where a woman is unfairly considered less capable than men.
Jane Gottschalk, Co-Founder of Perfect Moment Sports, Founder of Jax Coco, Ambassador for Animals Asia, Mother of five

As a woman in business, what is the biggest strength you think women have in a working environment?
For me, as a mother of 5 foremost, maybe being more and more open to understanding and accepting many different characters, strengths and weaknesses, including my own. Women also, in general l, have a greater ability to multi-task - it’s in our DNA - which can be a strength as we juggle with ease - but we have to learn to keep a balance.
What is one lesson you learned growing up or throughout your career that you wish to share with other women?
I’m still learning but something I try to be cognizant of is to listen to as many opinions as possible so you can make a more informed one yourself, despite the outcome. Never stop wanting to listen and learn, especially from the younger generation. I enjoy downloading my teenager’s brains over fun dinners: what do they like, listen to, who do they follow, who inspires them and why, what’s the latest gossip, trends, etc.

What is one ritual that you include in your daily life that you feel is necessary or helpful for your well-being or work?
Matcha Latte from the Japanese Cafe near the office.. extra strong, extra hot. But that’s usually after a 545am start, a couple of coffees, a school drop off, and a long commute to London so it can feel like late morning but it starts my work day. Time out in the evenings with my 8 dogs is also the perfect therapy.
Who is a woman you admire and why?
Jill Robinson, Founder and CEO of Animals Asia, is a hero of mine and I am an Ambassador of hers. Her tireless, often thankless work always inspires me as does her resilience, determination and discipline. Likewise, her own mentor, Jane Goodall is an extraordinary human being and one whom we should all take wisdom from.